Nelleke Don

What moves us? I’ve always been intrigued by this question and at 18 I thought I could find an answer by studying political science, international relations and polemology. Working for a number of years in the international department of a Dutch ministry, I was able to travel the world and meet with people from many different cultural backgrounds. I listened to their music, tried to learn their languages and follow their moves – from tai-chi and taikiken, to African dance, overtone singing, Dzogchen meditation, somatic movement, cranio-sacral biodynamics and more. Life took me to interactive policy making, organizing dialogue in large group interventions and to diving into the depths of the body to understand how organizations work. Somewhere during that voyage of discovery I met with Martha Eddy and Jader Tolja. Jader introduced me to experiential anatomy and the somatics of design and to Galen Cranz. The four of us founded the Association for Body Conscious Design and I enjoy seeing it evolve.

What I have come to understand so far is that diversity, connection, awareness and pleasure is what we (or I at least ;) need to feel truly alive. That our connection to the earth is crucial and that we are deeply influenced by what we surround us with, put on, and take in.

To raise awareness about this I am currently co-writing a book with Jader on bodyconscious fashion and am actively involved in the Slow Food movement as president of the Dutch branch.